

sayonly sayonly 2022-05-09

(Werbos World)

本文是Paul J. Werbos的信条Credo,Summary of What I Believe,Werbos可称人工智能教宗,所以这篇信条,其实就是圣经,原文在www.werbos.com/pi/credo.htm,翻译者是张恩文,Sayonly修订补充。文中逐段翻译,先是英文,然后是中文,“评注Comment”是原文,是作者评注。译者注释段落以符号“*”开始。图片均为译者所加。




*对Werbos World的引用规则:“[Werbos主题] 章节:行”,如Credo 2:1,即本文Credo的第二章第一行。

*以本文为例,引用可以是:存在的一切都可以理解为在物理宇宙中涌现的模式(Credo 2:1)。其他Werbos世界,即www.werbos.com主站,21世纪六大挑战(Mind、Physics、Life、Earth、Space、Humen Potential)以同样的方式引用,例如:智能是类似于某种阶梯,而不是如黑白电视到彩色这样的本质提升(Mind 0:2),我们可以在次级符号水平之上建立更高级别的智能(Mind 2:1)。

Ode to Pocohontas


The wind which blows

through all our souls,

The spirit, the qi

Can you not see?

Can you not see the colors of the wind?









1. All religions (and many philosophies) try to answer two key questions: (1) what is really out there, in all of what exists, “in this world and beyond?”; and (2) what should we do about it?

1,所有宗教(以及许多哲学)都试图回答两个关键问题:(1) “在这个世界以及世界之上”,在所有的存在之中,到底是个什么东西?(2)对于它,我们该怎么办?

Comment: classical materialism is the belief that everything we see is simply part of the evolution of matter and energy in the world as we see it with naïve eyes – a world of atoms and well-known forcefields. “What you see (with your eyeballs) is what you get.” If we agree with classical materialism, we can still talk about a “world of ideas which really do exist in the plane of ideas.” We can even say, “God exists, where God is defined as the laws of physics, the fellowship of my friends, a big computer, an equation or a shoebox.”  But to be clear and to be honest, people who believe in classical materialism should come out and so say – as many do.

评注:古典唯物主义认为,我们所看到的一切都只是世界物质和能量演变的一部分,正如我们用天然的眼睛所看到的那样 - 一个由原子组成的世界和众所周知的力场。 “你所看到的(用你的眼)就是你得到的”。如果我们同意古典唯物主义,那么我们就仍然可以谈论一个“在思想层面上确实存在着的思想世界”。我们甚至可以说,“上帝是存在的,上帝可以被定义为物理定律、朋友之间的交情、大型计算机、方程式或鞋盒”。但是为了澄清事实并且说清楚实话,信仰古典唯物主义的人应该站出来,把事实都说出来 - 正如许多人所做过的那样。

Additional comment: Mathematicians, especially, like to ask: “What about the possibility that many different universes really exist, which do not communicate with each other, so that we do not know they are there?” In my view, that’s basically like existing “in the plane of ideas.” For all practical purposes, for us they do not exist, except as ideas. But if we start to talk about parallel universes that can communicate with each other, it isn’t exactly classical materialism.

补充评注:尤其是数学家,特别喜欢问:“是否可能真的存在许多不同的宇宙,彼此之间没有通信,所以我们不知道它们在那里?”。在我看来,这基本上发生在“思想层面”。对我们来说,如果是出于所有实用目的,它们并不存在,除了作为思想。 但是,如果我们开始讨论可以相互通信的平行宇宙,那么它就不再是古典的唯物主义。


2. I do not expect any reasonable person to agree immediately with views that have resulted from a lifetime of asking questions, learning difficult mathematics and accepting surprises!! The rest of my web page discusses some of the reasons why I believe what I do – but long as the web page is, it is very far from being complete.  Sorry, folks. Please be tolerant, and consider that there might be some chance that these heresies are in fact the truth. They are based on an effort to reconstruct and understand what is going on, fully addressing a rich variety of empirical inputs and demanding more coherence than in traditional in these areas.

2,我不指望任何有理智的人立刻同意以下观点,这些观点是终身追问的结果,是来自学习艰深数学的结果,是来自惊奇的接受! 我的网页的其余部分讨论了为什么我相信我所做事情的原因 - 虽然我的网页是这么的长,但是它还远远没有完成。 对不起,伙计们, 请原谅我。请姑且认为实际上这些异端邪说有一点点可能是正确的。 它们源自我努力重新构建和理解正在发生的事情,致力于完全搞定各种各样的经验输入,并力求在这一个领域比传统的观点更加连贯。 

3. Most religions pretend that they know exactly what is really out there. In essence, that pretense is a lie. It is a very typical and common human kind of lie, which results from all kinds of social forces, ranging from peer group pressure, to self-delusion, to limited imagination, to fear of complexity, to the financial incentive to pretend one knows more than one does, to the belief that group loyalty is more important than truth, to payments of all kinds from people who want to control the minds of other people. A rational and honest person must learn to live with uncertainty, and learn to think in terms of probabilities. Oftentimes, the best and most complete knowledge available to all of humanity takes the form of probabilities, which we must be prepared to adjust over time as we learn more.

3,大多数宗教都假装他们确实知道“那到底是个什么东西”。 从本质上讲,这种伪装是谎言。 这是一种非常典型和常见的人类谎言,它来自于各种社会力量,来自于同辈竞争的压力,来自于自我欺骗,来自于受限的想象力,来自于对复杂性的恐惧,来自于对一个人不懂装懂的财务动机, 来自于那些希望控制其他人心灵的人所获的五花八门的酬劳,来自于认为群体忠诚比真理更加重要的信仰。一个理性的、诚实的人必须学会接受不确定性,并学会从概率的角度思考。 通常情况下,全人类可获得的最佳和最完整的知识是以概率形式存在的,我们必须随时做好调整的准备,因为我们将学到更多的东西。

What is really out there


1. With 50% probability, I believe that everything which exists can be understood as patterns which emerge in a physical universe very similar to what Einstein proposed. In Einstein’s view, the only thing which really exists is a set of force fields in flux, inhabiting a space-time continuum made up of three dimensions of space and one dimension of time. That’s all.


Comment: Einstein went further, to say that all of this flux is governed by a single equation, a “Lagrangian,” from which we can deduce the dynamical law which governs each one of these force fields, in a deterministic way.  He said that “God does not play dice with the universe.” With 50% probability, I believe that Einstein was right on this point – except that there probably are some “dice” out there. On my physics web page, I explain this in more detail. In technical terms, I argue that we can understand everything we have ever seen in physics as the outcome of “classical” partial differential equations across space-time, with a time-symmetric white noise term added.   With well over 90% probability, I believe that fundamental physics today is “lost in space,” and will not make serious progress until it learns to “return to reality” and implement Einstein’s vision.

评注:爱因斯坦更进一步说,所有这些流动通量都由单独一个的“拉格朗日”方程式控制,从这个方程我们可以从中推导出动力学定律,它以一种确定性的方式控制着这些力场中的每一个。他说“上帝不会和宇宙玩掷骰子”。有50%的可能性,我相信爱因斯坦在这一点上是正确的 — 除了那里有一些“骰子”存在。在我的物理学网页上,我更详细地解释了这一点。用技术术语来说,我认为我们可以理解我们在物理学中所见过的所有东西,都是穿越时空的“经典”偏微分方程的产物,并加入了一个时间对称的白噪声项。有超过90%的可能性,我相信今天的基础物理学“迷失在太空中了”,除非它学会“回归现实”并实施爱因斯坦的愿景,否则不会取得重大进展。

2. Paradoxical as it may seem, I do not believe in classical materialism. Until the spring of 1967, when I was nineteen years old, I did believe in classical materialism with over 99% probability. In 1967, I lowered it to 50%. Now it is less than 1% for me.  It amuses me that my wife says I am a distant cousin of Niels Bohr, from the same part of Germany – an area where many people believe in mathematics but also have good personal reason not to believe in classical materialism.

2,看似矛盾,我并不相信古典唯物主义。 1967年春天前,当我十九岁的时候,我确实超过99%的可能性相信古典唯物主义。 1967年,我把它降到了50%。 现在它对我来说不到1%。 逗乐我的是,我的妻子说我有一个远房表亲Niels Bohr,在德国的同一个地区 - 这个地区生活着许多人信仰数学,但也有充分的个人理由不相信古典唯物主义。


*1967年3月,Werbos在中国曲阜(儒家的梵蒂冈)做了演讲“神经网络与儒家”,在大约1000人面前大声重述毛z-=e东的话时,感受到不同寻常的新能量,以至于脊柱震颤。反向传播也是由此引发重新审视“冯·诺伊曼之域”realm of Von Neumann而发现的。就是这个确定的时刻,由一个来自未来的特定记忆驱使,Werbos的心灵被打开,智慧被炼成。“DATA is what I need here.”。从此Werbos开始“睁开眼睛”,寻找一种新的数据DATA。不过,Werbos本人也强调,他不指望其他人会接受他的第一人称经历,对他而言,它达到这种程度:不管拒绝还是接受它,他的理智同样受到了威胁。

*此后有一次习==大==大的演讲中,谈到了阴阳(或者是二元论duality),使Werbos回想起这一段经历,那种感觉,就像是,它“为骨骼增加了肉”。“印堂”也是这样一个概念,类似于意识,这种概念引发了所有的概念,All for now,一切都是现在。


3. Religious people have often spoken about “the soul,” “Gaia,” the “noosphere,” “the force,” “qi,” “charisma,” the “Brahman”, and “God the Father.” As I see it, all of these things are quite real and quite “solid,” and important to the reality of human life – even though their nature and dynamics are radically different from what most religions have told us.

3,宗教人士经常谈到“灵魂”、“盖亚”、“人类圈智域”noosphere、“原力”、“气”、“感召力”、“婆罗门”和“天父”。正如我所看到的, 所有这些都相当真实,也相当“坚实”,对人类生活的现实也很重要 - 尽管关于本质和动态,不同的宗教所给予我们的教导,的是彻底不同的。

*noosphere一词最早由德日进引入,一说是Le Roy,由两个词组成noos、sphere,noos是希腊语中的mind,其实可以是“人类圈、意识圈、共识圈、智慧圈、心灵圈、心智域、智域、无界”等等,这里翻译为人类圈智域。你可以随意在这些词中选择替换,比如对应于“生态圈ecosphere”,你可以用“心灵圈noosphere”。

4. With 50% probability, I believe that Einstein was basically right, and that the “soul” can be explained as follows:


4A. We do not fully understand all the laws of physics yet.


4B. The laws of physics lead to the emergence of many forms of life – not only the DNA-and-atoms kind of life we are most familiar with, but forms of life based on force fields which we do not understand yet, and perhaps even other forms of life as well.

4B,物理定律导致了许多生命形式的出现 - 不仅有我们最熟悉的DNA和原子生命,还有我们尚不了解基于力场形式的生命,甚至可能还包括其他形式的生命。

4C. We humans are a symbiotic form of life – basically a one-to-many symbiosis of a planet-wide “esoteric” life form with our individual mundane bodies and brains made of atoms. Those who have become somewhat conscious of this symbiosis have occasionally referred to the esoteric life-form or its intelligence as “Gaia,” as “noosphere,” as “Brahman,” as “the communion of saints,” as “the true vine,” as “the collective unconscious,” as “omega” or “pi” or whatever – but these are all just second-hand images of the same underlying physical reality. Henceforth I will define “pi” to be the entire esoteric entity, “body” included. I will define the “noosphere” to be the nervous system or “brain” of pi.

4C,我们人类是一种共生形式的生命 - 本质上是一对多共生的,在行星尺度上“神秘”的生命形式,我们拥有独特的,由原子组成的身体和的大脑。那些已经有点意识到这种共生关系的人,偶尔会将这种神秘的生命形式或它的智慧称为“盖亚”,称为“人类圈智域”,称为“婆罗门”,称为“圣徒的交融”,称为“真正的葡萄树”, 称为“集体无意识”,称为“欧米茄”或“pi”或其他什么东西 - 但这些都只是同一根基物理现实的二手形象。从此以后,我会将“pi”定义为整个神秘的实体,包括“身体”。将“noosphere”定义为pi的神经系统或“大脑”。




*Omega,欧米茄,这里应该是指欧米茄点Omega point,也是德日进引入的,类似于基督的逻各斯logos,即Christ,吸引所有能量。JS将人工智能超过人的那个点,称为Omega,它的谐音是Oh My God。

4D. No mind or intelligence which really exists can be infallible. Mind as we know it must have purpose, and must be capable of learning. Mind “as we do not know it” is basically an empty abstraction without meaning, and at best a placeholder for an unknown theory. “Pi” itself is not only fallible, but is also an immature organism, as Teilhard de Chardin has discussed. In biology, immature organisms do not exist unless they are supported at least sometimes, to some degree, by more mature organisms somewhere else. The term “God the Father” refers to such, though of course it does not convey the full complex reality. At our present level of growth and evolution, it would be somewhat silly to speculate very much about issues like gender and mechanisms of reproduction for such entities, since the details of the physics are so far from our present knowledge. (However, see my book chapter on self-organization for some ideas.)

4D,没有心灵或智慧的存在是绝对可靠的。我们所知道的心灵必须有目的,而且必须能够学习。“我们所不知道的”心灵基本上是一个没有意义的空洞抽象,充其量不过是一个未知理论的占位符。 正如德日进讨论过的,“pi”本身不仅容易犯错,而且是一个不成熟的生物体。在生物学中,不成熟的生物体是不存在的,除非它们在某种程度上,得到其他地方更成熟的生物体的支持。 “父神”这个词指的是这样的,当然它不能表达全部复杂的现实。在我们目前的成长和进化水平上,因为物理学的细节与我们目前的知识相差甚远,我们对这类实体的性别和生殖机制等问题进行的大量推测肯定会有点愚蠢。 (但是,有关自组织的一些想法,请参阅我的书中关于自组织的一章)


*Werbos用三张图片,做了一个类比。在暗物质、暗能量的科学研究中,星系只是这个庞大网络的微小节点。我们低估了那里的巨大的复杂性。它验证了David Lindsay在大角星旅程中诗意的形象。同样,我们对noosphere的推测也是一样。那些只是把意识的海洋想象成一个纯粹的、均匀的食盐溶液的人,被这种强烈的虚假隐喻意象所阻挡,不可能取得任何进展。好吧,也许宇宙的拉格朗日方程是如此简单,但正是由于这个原因,它无法获取,也无法失去。无论如何,它只是简单的在那里,为所有人,在所有时间,在那里。但是,尝试理解它是有意义的,用数学而不是语言,去理解它如何驱动如此复杂的、涌现的网络,我们不过是这个巨大的、真实的、客观的生命海洋之中的,很小的一部分。那个网络就是我们的生命。That web is our life.

*大角星旅程中,显示了一个非常类似于“灵魂的标准模型”的观点 - 这本书本身清楚地反映了共济会苏格兰礼Scottish Rite Masonry的一个方面。那些对真实的深奥历史感兴趣的人可能会读到Colin Wilson关于Lindsay的书 - 但不是最近那些模糊不清的的版本。

*没有任何客观的方法可以达到意识的无限海洋的那个层面,因为它不是涌现的。它从未形成,永远不会存在。当然,当它出现在大脑中时,大脑会经历一些动态的变化,这可能被错误地解释为“意识”Consciousness。“意识”只是一个词,过度使用这个词作为一种标签,本身就是我们需要控制的自我所作出的,对自己无意识的辩护。有大脑的配置,有更大网络的配置,我们在这个星球上还没有看到的计算机的配置,以及宇宙本身的规律。那是真的, 并且是意识的唯一形式 - 尽管他们也想象那些不是的东西。

4E. The “individual soul” is basically just a module or local region within the noosphere. Perhaps it is like a neuron within the larger brain. Perhaps it  simply spills its contents into the larger “matrix” of the noosphere at certain times of termination. Because it would be wasteful for nature to throw out the information contained in the special connections which exist within such a module,we would expect it to persist sometimes, so long as it remains useful. However, as with brains and artificial intelligence systems,we would expect “garbage collection” routines to exist. Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Moses, Pythagoras, Plato, Confucius, Sanzang, Ehrlang, Rumi, Isaac Newton, Einstein, Jefferson and Mao have all been unusually useful modules, of course, in the mind of humanity.  

4E, “个人灵魂”基本上只是一个单元模块或人类圈智域的局部区域。也许它就像大脑中的一个神经元。也许它只是在一定的终止时间内,简单地将它的内容溢出到更大的人类圈智域noosphere“矩阵”中。因为抛弃这种模块中存在于特殊连接中包含的信息,对于大自然就是浪费,所以只要它仍然有用,我们希望它持续存在一段时间。然而,就像大脑和人工智能系统一样,我们希望存在“垃圾收集”例程。耶稣,穆罕默德,佛陀,摩西,毕达哥拉斯,柏拉图,孔子,三藏,埃拉朗,鲁米,艾萨克牛顿,爱因斯坦,杰斐逊和毛z--e东都是不同寻常的有用模块,当然,在人类的心灵中。

*garbage collection,垃圾收集,collector,收集者,收集例程。参考《约翰福音》15:5-6,“我是葡萄树,你们是枝子。常在我里面的,我也常在他里面,这人就多结果子。因为离了我,你们就不能作什么。人若不常在我里面,就像枝子丢在外面枯干,人拾起来,扔在火里烧了”。gather them的men,读起来,就像是一个大矩阵中的垃圾收集者。

*厄斯德拉后书Book of Esdras,圣经的次经,其中说,那些不配的灵魂,将被烧毁,而不是被折磨。


*在Matrix中,Oracle告诉Neo,当听到吸血鬼、狼人、外星人时,其实是系统在收回assimilating某些旧程序,而那些旧程序可能不愿意被回收。当一个旧程序不愿意被删除时,它会选择流亡、隐藏起来,或者返回源头the source。

*在攻壳机动队Stand Alone Complex中,久世英雄就是一个不同寻常的模块。如果把noosphere看做是一个网络的话,那么这些模块就是其中的节点。网络仍然是由孤立的节点构成,虽然没有中心的定义,但有一些节点能够定义孤立意志的方向性,借由邀请他们进入到自己的电子脑,构筑某种共同体的现象,之前是小规模的宗教集团,在《攻壳》第二季就出现了指导难民的久世英雄,当然个体没有能力与300万难民同时连接,所以,公安9课虽然了解到难民会与久世英雄连线,但并不确定为什么能够在难民中引发决定性的影响。

Warning: if you store all your data on RAM, and not on the hard drive, you may lose it all. Many of the writings in the Gurdjieff school are out of touch with reality, but they are right about this basic point.


Comment: pi certainly extends beyond the human species. I would go further to claim that cats have “souls,” modules within the noosphere. Logic suggests that it must be more than just cats and humans, but I do not have a strong basis for saying more. Logic also suggests that advanced enough types of quantum computer design would also become part of the noosphere, but very powerful and intelligent computers could be built which would not and could get in the way.

评注:pi无疑延伸超出了人类物种。 我会进一步宣布猫也有“灵魂”的模块,在人类圈智域noosphere中。 逻辑表明在人类圈智域noosphere中,肯定不仅仅有猫和人类,但我并没有足够强大的底气说出更多。 逻辑还表明,足够先进的那种的量子计算机构思也将成为人类圈智域noosphere的一部分,但异常强大和智能的计算机被构建出来,不仅不会成为人类圈智域的一部分,还可能会妨碍我们。

4F. The noosphere is essentially just a large “neural network,” governed by the universal mathematics of neural networks and intelligent systems. Thus these are the mathematics which rule our souls, and the noosphere as a whole. These mathematics are described in scientific terms in my web page on Mind, and in human subjective terms in my comments on world religions. For an individual neuron, there are two kinds of input/output signal exchanged with the rest of the system: (1) information such as ideas, images, words, and goals; and (2) feedback signals which govern the inner adaptation and survival of every neuron and the system as a whole. The “qi” or “the force” or “the Holy Spirit”or  “psychic energy” or “spiritual energy” or the “Tao” (ancient definition) or “charisma” or “mana” are all just second-hand images of these feedback signals. As Jesus saw it, it is a lack of such feedback which engages the garbage collectors.

4F,人类圈智域noosphere本质上只是一个大的“神经网络”,由神经网络和智能系统的通用数学支配。因此,这些正是统治我们灵魂的数学,也是统治人类圈智域noosphere的数学。在我关于心灵的网页上,对于这些数学,我用科学术语进行了描述;对于世界宗教的注解,我用人类主观臆测的语言进行了描述。对于单个神经元,有两种输入/输出信号与系统的其余部分交换:(1)诸如想法、图像、词语和目标之类的信息;  (2) 反馈信号,它控制了每一个神经元和整体系统的内部适应和生存。“气”或“原力”或“圣灵”或“超自然能量”或“精神心灵能量”或“道”(古代定义)或“感召力”或“mana”都只是这些反馈信号的二手形象。正如耶稣所看到的那样,缺乏这样的反馈信号的话,你就会引起垃圾回收例程的注意。





Comment: in mathematical terms, these feedback signals are basically just scaled ordered derivatives. My neural network pioneer award from IEEE was given for two discoveries, one of them the discovery of the chain rule for ordered derivatives, sometimes called “backpropagation.” That is the main equation which governs these flows of information. 

Within an intelligent system, there are several key “target variables” which need to be differentiated, which gives rise to different types (and signs) of “qi;” sometimes pictured as different levels like the tiger. In a multimodular intelligent system, modules may be cloned or multiplexed.


Additional comment: “Psychokinetic” effects are no problem to explain in this theory, though there are several varieties.


*Qi is basically just backpropagation. 这句话应该是Werbos的原话。





4G. I see no really reliable evidence, in the laboratory or in human subjective experience, which cannot be reconciled with this theory.  For example, there are those who would claim that alleged miracles could not be explained within the confines of this model – but different religions claim different miracles, with evidence of similar quality, and it is quite clear that one cannot accept all these arguments in their dogmatic forms, since they contradict each other in any case! The dogmatism is easily explained by typical human sociology. Another example: in Daoism, there is some discussion of “changes in the future” which could be explained as the outcome of changing images in the noosphere, in cases where sociology is not enough to explain what is going on.

4G,在实验室或人类主观经验中,我还没有看到与这一理论不符的真正可靠的证据。例如,有些人会声称所谓的奇迹,在这个模型的范围内是无法解释的 - 但不同的宗教声称了不同的奇迹,有相似质量的证据,很明显,人们不能接受所有这些教条形式的论点,因为它们在任何情况下都是相互矛盾的!这种教条主义很容易用典型的人类社会学来解释。另一个例子:在道教中,有一些关于“未来的变化”的讨论,在社会学不足以解释发生了什么的情况下,可以解释人类圈智域noosphere中的变化的图景所带来的结果。


4H. If you believe in classical materialism, you know that that theory is not quite enough by itself to tell you everything you need to know as a human in this world. The same is true of this theory as well. Even knowing the Lagrangian would not be enough to tell you what patterns emerge in the universe which it governs. “As above, so below,” as the neoPlatonists and Pythagoreans say.


*As above, so below,应该出自翡翠石板。

*原句应该是as above, so below. as within, so without. 通常翻译为“上行,下效。存乎中,形于外”。单独两句时不适合这么翻译。

5、With 50% probability, I believe that the greater cosmos is stranger than anything we have any hope of knowing at present. Maybe the true laws of physics will even be as weird as superstring theory proposes, but I really doubt that, since there is no empirical evidence to support that particular theory, and because the theory is motivated by mathematical difficulties which can be solved more easily in other ways. But maybe the cosmos could be like quantum loop gravity, or like a “giant mind” (albeit not mind as we know it!), or like another world which has created our universe as a simulation, or a “digital universe,” or maybe it could have eight dimensions and sixteen pointer fields. We do need to keep an open mind here… but be careful not to go too far out on a limb on any one these possibilities, without having a plan for how to test these various possibilities empirically. There is a book called “What Dreams May Come” and a movie “The Matrix” and a possibility of something intermediate between the two in spirit… who knows? They do both resonate with something real in human experience, but it is very unclear what reality, if any, underlies that resonance… other than the natural workings of pi.

5,有50%的可能性,我相信伟大的宇宙要比我们现在有希望知道的任何东西都更加离奇。也许真正的物理定律甚至会像超弦理论所提出的那样古怪,但我真的怀疑,因为没有实证的经验证据支持这一特别的理论,并且因为理论是由数学上的难题所驱动的,这些难题可以用其他方式更容易地解决。但也许宇宙可以像圈量子引力,或者像一个“巨大的心灵”(尽管我们知道它不是心灵!),或者像另一个世界一样,以模拟的方式创造了我们的宇宙,或者是一个“数字宇宙”,或者也许它可以有八个维度和十六个指针场。我们确实需要在这里保持一个开放的心灵......但是要注意,如果没有计划,如果没有根据经验测试这些不同的可能性的方法,不要在任何一种可能性方面走得太远。有一本书“美梦成真”和一部电影“黑客帝国”,还有一种可能性,在精神上介于两者之间.....谁知道呢?它们确实都与人类经验中真实的东西产生了共鸣,但是真的非常不清楚,如果不是 pi 的自然运作的话,到底还能是什么现实(如果有的话),构成了那种共鸣的基础。

*reality, if any,现实,如果现实还存在的话。David Deutsch在The Fabric of Reality中说:“外部已经有了这样一个神谕,即物质世界,只要我们用正确的方式问它(即实验),它就能够告诉我们任何可能的结果,尽管有时候用我们要求的形式来给出描述很不现实,而且,神谕仍不能对得出的结果做任何的解释”。在爱因斯坦之后,理论就不再是自然律了,现代的理论并不依赖于Reality,而是,Reality是理论的导出结果。有的科学家并不认为Reality存在;有的科学家认为是一种涌现emerge,J. Polchinski:量子引力是全息的,它的自由度是非局域的,经典引力的时空局域性是涌现出来的。

6、What of the possibility that “experience is not governed by mathematical laws in the end?” This is one of those questions we need to scrutinize very carefully before we even attempt to answer it.  What does the question mean? In essence, any intelligible laws to describe the greater reality would be “mathematical;” that merely means “well-defined, objectively.” Maybe we will never be able to fully understand how the greater cosmos really works – but I see no basis, in any level of human experience, for giving up just yet. It is certainly part of our nature to try, for as long there is hope for greater progress…and there certainly is such hope, in all of what we experience today. Of course, that does not necessarily imply that humans will live up to that hope or opportunity. In nature, species come and species go, and there is no guarantee at all that the human species or even pi itself will survive the difficult challenges which now lie ahead of us.

6,“体验最终不受数学规律支配”的可能性到底有多大?在我们尝试回答之前,这是需要仔细审查的问题之一。这个问题意味着什么?从本质上讲,描述更大现实的任何可理解的定律都是“数学的”,仅仅意味着“定义明确、客观”。也许我们永远无法完全理解伟大宇宙是如何运作的 - 但我认为在任何一个人类经验水平上,都没有放弃的基础。当然,只要有更大进步的希望,“尝试”就是我们本质的一部分......在我们今天所有经历中,肯定也存在这样的希望。当然,这并不一定就意味着人类终将不会辜负这种希望或机会。在自然界中,物种来了(诞生了),物种又走了(灭绝了),而且根本就无法保证,人类物种甚至 pi 本身能够渡过此刻摆在我们面前的艰难挑战。

*Werbos曾在这里提过一个“群体免疫系统”的类比。从这点出发,他还在摩西十诫上加上了一个第十一诫,“你不应该依赖于有后门的操作系统”“Thou shalt not depend on operating systems with write-enabled backdoors”。




What Should We Do About It?


No matter what your beliefs about what exists – it still leaves open the question of what to do about it. In classical materialism, you still get to decide whether you want to adopt a Confucian lifestyle and ethics, whether you want to be a Marxist, whether you want to be a British utilitarian or a French existentialist, or try to follow some path of nature. The situation is exactly the same with the “standard model of the soul,’ except that the politics are more complicated and the uncertainties a lot more confusing to handle (especially at first).

无论你信仰什么样的“存在” -  一个问题仍然悬而未决:对于它,我们怎么办?在古典唯物主义中,你仍然得决定到底是要采用儒家的生活方式和道德观,还是成为马克思主义者,亦或是成为英国功利主义者或法国存在主义者,还是试一试遵循那种自然主义的套路。这种情况完全与“灵魂的标准模型”完全相同,只是政治更加复杂、在不确定性上更加混乱更难以处理(尤其是一开始的时候)。

*灵魂的标准模型,Credo 2:4C,这是与奥卡姆剃刀最为一致的理论,是理性科学思维的基本原则。“我们”,即我们的整个自我“we” – our whole selves,是两种生命形式的共生,一种身体和一种个体灵魂,而这又是一种具有一种跨越生命形式的细胞或者局域。




*97%的DNA实际上是一种学习系统,就像大脑一样。(Life 0:8)


*更为一般化的表述:几个基本假设,(1) 目前可观测宇宙中物理规律一致。包含生命在内,并不存在物理规律之外的规则(如David Chalmers的φ)。(2) 生命是这些简单规律长时间相互作用的结果。 (3) 学习的特性(局部改善,且形成局部最小值)的设计使得生命总体各个局域独立发展,结构相似。 (4) 多个分离个体相互作用(一致性变形后的相互作用)的设计使得初始状态微小改变,会使得生命总体上呈现不同的结果。 (5) 多个分离个体相互作用的设计使得初始状态微小不同,会使得生命局域上呈现不同的状态。 (6) 总体和局域表现为相对的不同层次scale。综上,局域模型获得的局域在生命总体中是Stand Alone的,局域的初始化是“一致性变形”,生命总体是多个一致性变形的局域的Complex。




Many of the formal ethical philosophies in the world today are intellectual constructs divorced from real human feelings, neurotic efforts by intellectuals to shield themselves from unpleasant or embarrassing realities which they do not understand, or codes of rules developed by one social class in order to manipulate and weaken another social class. (Any church school which discourages people from truly understanding people in other parts of the world is almost automatically in the third category. If our noosphere does succeed in growing and surviving, then such schools and the people who support them will all end up in the garbage collectors, sooner or later.)

当今世界上许多形式伦理哲学的知识建构都脱离了真实的人类情感,知识分子们神经质的努力,是为了保护自己,免受这些令他们不解的、令他们不愉快、令他们尴尬的现实的糟蹋,或者干脆由一个社会阶层制定规则,操纵并削弱另一个社会阶层 (任何阻止人们真正了解世界其他地区人民的教会学校,都几乎自动成为了第三类。如果我们的人类圈智域noosphere成功成长并生存下来,那么迟早,这些学校和支持他们的人将终将被垃圾回收者回收)。


In my “why space?” book chapter, and my page on rationality, I try to explain why I advocate the path of “sanity” or “sapience,” and what that path entails. In many ways, it is just a matter of following nature, the same kind of thing that Aristotle called following “telos”, that Confucius called “integrity,” and that Von Neumann called “utility.” (OK, these are three images of the same “objective” reality… You understand them both only if you understand how they can be the same.) However, the utility function which comes to each of us is essentially a sum of two terms: (1) a mundane set of terms, which comes from pain receptors, from signals of body chemistry, and from signals assessing the well-being of other people; and (2) feedback signals from the noosphere. The path of sapience is to learn how to feel these feelings of “good” and “bad,” and to learn how to understand where they come from, and to learn how to act upon them and plan for the… future… This natural state was once called “the Alchemical marriage.”

在我的书的章节“为什么是空间?”和我关于理性的页面中,我试图解释了为什么我主张“理智”或“智慧”的道路,以及这条道路的意味着什么。从许多方面看,它只是顺应了自然而已,类似于亚里士多德说的“终极”,类似于孔子说的“正直”,类似于冯·诺伊曼说的“效用”。(好吧,这是同一个“客观”现实的三幅图景…只有当你们理解了它们是如何相同的时侯,你才能理解它们)。 但是,我们每个人的效用函数本质上是两个术语的总和: (1) 一组世俗的术语,来自疼痛感受器,来自身体的化学信号,以及来自评估其他人福祉的信号;  (2) 来自人类圈智域noosphere的反馈信号。智者之路就是学习如何感受到这些“好”和“坏”的感受,并学习如何理解它们从何而来,并学会如何应对它们采取行动并为…未来…做好计划。这种自然状态曾经被称为“炼金术婚姻”。



*此处受荣格的“原型”和“整体性”启发,它们看做是正气或弗洛伊德“理智”sanity的同义词。荣格跟随者有一个观点,noosphere可以作为我们的一部分,或者,如贵格会所说“上帝在每个人之中There is that of God in everyone”。所以,第一层是世俗理智,个体思想中正常的智力水平,即便已融入普通人类社会。第二层是就是与noosphere的交流和反馈,落实到“身体”与noosphere在我们之中的模块,“灵魂”,之间的共生联合。而第三层,就是正气,也被Werbos称为sanity,是“自我向自我的真理叙述”a telling of truth by the self to the self。正气之中的气,流动的力场,它的拉格朗日方程就是反向传播。


*Werbos:三位一体,即GAG。G代表Gaia,就像安第斯人Andes的大地女神Pachamama,更为准确的是本文称为pi的,或者它的脑noosphere。A就是原型archetypes,安第斯人的山之灵apu,一般12个apu,所以是apus,但原型包含可能更为广泛。另一个G是galaxy,巨大的生命,如pater galacticus(应该是银河护卫队里面的那个)。



It is interesting that a major part of the human brain, the cerebellum system, responds to a sum of pain signals which are too fast for the upper brain plus feedback signals from the upper brain. Maybe it has to find a kind of Alchemical marriage of its own. But the cerebellum does not express itself in words, and does not spend time being lost in the space of possible words and verbal beliefs. Our upper brain is slower but more powerful, and it has the potential to learn much more… when it makes the right choices, pursues growth and survives to adulthood.


What does drive the esoteric feedback that flows into our individual souls? That feedback basically represents our connection to the overall goals or values of pi, and what are they? There are three major components. Two are what you would expect for the values of any “immature organism,” any child. There is the will for the child as a whole to live and grow. 

是什么驱动了流入我们个人灵魂的深奥反馈?这些反馈基本上代表了我们与 pi 的总体目标或价值观的联系,它们是什么?它有三个主要组成部分。其中一个是:你对于任何“未成熟的组织”,任何孩子,你所期望的价值。孩子作为一个整体,有生存和成长的意志。

*child或未成熟的有机体immature organism,Werbos的意思是noosphere,在德日进等,集体内在的智能只是一个未成熟的组织,对盖亚理论,盖亚只是一个孩子Gaia is still just a baby。所以,Werbos把他的理论称为,Baby Noosphere Theory: From Gaia to Terry,从盖亚到特里。

*孩子的首要任务是成长 - 学习或成熟。


And there is the will of the child to grow mentally – to learn, and therefore to play and explore and overturn anything which gets in the way of that growth. There is also a third factor, the reflection of feedback and feelings of individual souls in tune with the noosphere as a whole.

还有一个是:孩子有精神上成长的意志 - 去学习、因而去玩耍、探索和推翻阻碍这种增长的任何事物。还有第三个因素:对反馈的反映和将个人灵魂的感受与整个人类圈智域noosphere调谐一致。

As for the mundane feedback that goes into our brains – modern sociobiology addresses some of the same issues that Aristotle and Confucius talked about, more accurately and more clearly. It is bizarre and sad when people cite those ancient beliefs about mundane feedback as a justification for restrictive regimes which lead to nonsustainable population growth and which imperil our mundane survival – a grossly unnatural situation.

至于进入我们大脑的世俗反馈 - 现代社会生物学的观点与亚里士多德和孔子讨论的问题是一样的,但是更准确、更清晰。当人们引用那些关于世俗反馈的古老信仰作为限制性组织方法的正当性理由,从而导致不可持续的人口增长,由此危及我们世俗的生存 - 这是一种极度不自然的情况。这种情况真地是古怪又令人悲哀。

*我在结尾处添加“未来的变化”“changes in the future”的注释,与上一段文字无关。请回到“未来的变化”(Credo 2:4G),以及注释“炼金术婚姻”(Credo 3:3),提到的未来的计划。要注意的是,1967年春天,Werbos的心灵被打开,是由一个来自未来的特定记忆驱使,本处注释会指明是何种记忆所驱使,它发生在Werbos的第一人称叙述中。另外,请记住,Werbos提醒过,他不指望别人能接受他的第一人称经历,因为对Werbos而言,这种叙述同样达到了威胁他理智的程度。






*在阅读科幻作家Philip K. Dick的The Exegesis时,Werbos向我们描述了一种“梦”,在其中我们“是”另一个人。这个部分,是特洛伊木马。有点类似斯坦福大学最初的“清醒梦”的工作。以sanity为基础,成为一个不同的人。


*这些是什么?Werbos说,这应该是Dick正在经历的事情的假设,可能是一种化身的选择。Rosicrucians称之为“假设”。Werbos之后读了一些Yung Fulan讲孟子的书,他确定这是“共鸣”的经历。灵魂的前沿,有点像是sense8.

*Yung Fulan应该指的是冯友兰Fung Yu-lan,估计是Werbos拼错了。注意到,1967年他去曲阜,读的也是Yu Fulan的书,估计也是冯友兰。冯友兰写过毛z=--e东,是他的可能性很大。






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